Pipeline for analyzing UK Biobank WES data using SAIGE-GENE+ on DNAnexus

This documentation describes how to perform the exome-wide association tests with the UK Biobank WES data (450k) on DNAnexus.


  • dx command-line client
  • Access to UK Biobank WES data on DNAnexus
  • Access to UK Biobank hard-called genotypes in PLINK format(.bed/.bim/.fam) for constructing the genetic relationship matrix (GRM)
  • Determination of ancestry groups for participants. The analyses need to be performed separately by ancestry groups.

Save SAIGE image to DNAnexus

docker pull wzhou88/saige:1.1.9
docker save -o saige_1.1.9.tar.gz wzhou88/saige:1.1.9

# make it readable for other users in your project
chmod a+r saige_1.1.9.tar.gz

# store it in your image folder on DNAnexus
dx mkdir docker_images
dx cd docker_images/
dx upload saige_1.1.9.tar.gz

Step 0: constructing a sparse GRM using the LD pruned hard-called genotypes.

  • Once the sparse GRM is constructed, it can be used for all phenotypes

  • You need to first conduct LD pruning for the hard-called genotypes in the plink file (.bed/.bim/.fam).

Preparing input files

  • Perform LD pruning using PLINK2 with the parameters –indep-pairwise 50 5 0.05 using the PLINK file for GRM construction using the hard called genotypes

Run the script

Rscript createSparseGRM.R       \
    --plinkFile=${LD pruned PLINK file} \
    --nThreads=72  \
    --outputPrefix=${OUTNAME}       \
    --numRandomMarkerforSparseKin=5000      \
  • Benchmark: with 241,660 markers and 459,797 European samples in the LD pruned PLINK file, the script below takes 7hr:40min with 72 CPUs and 35 Gb of memory to finish.


  1. file containing the sparse GRM. It can be read using the readMM function in the Matrix package in R


  2. file containing sample IDs in the sparse GRM. ${OUTNAME}_relatednessCutoff_0.05_5000_randomMarkersUsed.sparseGRM.mtx.sampleIDs.txt

Step 1: fitting the null linear/logistic mixed model using the sparse GRM and estimating variance ratios

Create the workflow using the wdl file

  • Download
    1. dxCompiler-2.10.1.jar from here
    2. saige_null_sGRM_vr_withinfo.wdl from here and replace the path to the docker image in the file
  • Check the project id of your current project on DNAnexus
## create a folder to store the workflows
dx mkdir workflow

## create the workflow. It will give you a workflow id
java -jar dxCompiler-2.10.1.jar compile saige_null_sGRM_vr_withinfo.wdl -project ${project id}  -folder /workflows/ -f

Prepare input files

  • sparse GRM files from Step 0 (sparseGRM_file and sparseGRM_sample_file)
  • a plain text file containing the phenotype and covariates values (pheno_file), see the format here

  • creating a new PLINK file containing 2,000 randomly selected markers PLINK_for_vr using the following scripts from the large PLINK file provided by UKBB with hard called genotypes PLINK_file_hard_called
  • 1,000 markers with 10 <= MAC < 20
  • 1,000 markers with MAC >= 20
#1. calculate allele counts for each marker in the large plink file with hard called genotypes
plink2 --bfile ${PLINK_file_hard_called} --freq count --out ${OUTPUT_prefix_counts}

#2 randomly extract IDs for markers falling in the two MAC categories
cat <(tail -n +2 ${OUTPUT_prefix_counts}.acount | awk '(($6-$5) < 20 && ($6-$5) >= 10) || ($5 < 20 && $5 >= 10) {print $2}' | shuf -n 1000) \
<(tail -n +2 ${OUTPUT_prefix_counts}.acount | awk ' $5 >= 20 && ($6-$5)>= 20 {print $2}' | shuf -n 1000) > ${OUTPUT_prefix_counts}.markerid.list

#3. extract markers from the large plink file
plink2 --bfile ${PLINK_file_hard_called} --extract ${OUTPUT_prefix_counts}.markerid.list --make-bed --out ${PLINK_for_vr}

Run the Step 1 job for one phenotype

  • replace saige with your project name
  • replace the file paths, e.g change /SAIGE_GENE/phenotype/ to the folder there the pheno_file is stored
  • replace the variable values with the correct ones


dx run ${workflow_id} \
      -istage-common.phenofile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/phenotype/${pheno_file} \
      -istage-common.bedfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/genotype/${PLINK_for_vr}.bed \
      -istage-common.bimfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/genotype/${PLINK_for_vr}.bim \
      -istage-common.famfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/genotype/${PLINK_for_vr}.fam \
      -istage-common.spGRMfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/spGRM/${sparseGRMfile} \
      -istage-common.spGRMSamplefile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/spGRM/${sparseGRM_sample_file} \
      -istage-common.output_prefix=${outputPrefix} \
      -istage-common.phenoCol=${phenoCol} \
      -istage-common.traitType=${traitType} \
      -istage-common.covariatesList=${covariatesList} \
      -istage-common.qCovarColList=${qCovarColList} \
      -istage-common.sampleIDCol=${sampleIDCol} \
      -istage-common.invNormalize=${invNormalize} \
      --folder saige:/SAIGE_GENE/step1_output/ \
      --yes \
      --name=${jobname} \

Output files

  • Model file: ${outputPrefix}.rda
  • Variance ratio file: ${outputPrefix}.varianceRatio.txt
  • Job summary file (showing time and memory usage for the job): ${outputPrefix}.runinfo.txt

Run the Step 1 job for multiple phenotype

Step 1 can be run for multiple phenotypes, each has a different job name. We can use a file pheno_list.txt to store the input information for each phenotype

  • Each row in pheno_list.txt is for one phenotype with pheno name, trait type (binary or quantitative), invNormalize (FALSE or TRUE), covariates list (e.g. PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5,PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10,PC11,PC12,PC13,PC14,PC15,PC16,PC17,PC18,PC19,PC20,age,age_sex,age2,age2_sex,sex ), and categorical covariants list (e.g. sex)
while read -r pheno traitType invNormalize covariatesList qCovarColList

  ##differenet phenotype files for each phenotype

  dx run ${workflow_id} \
      -istage-common.phenofile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/phenotype/${pheno_file} \
      -istage-common.bedfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/genotype/${PLINK_for_vr}.bed \
      -istage-common.bimfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/genotype/${PLINK_for_vr}.bim \
      -istage-common.famfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/genotype/${PLINK_for_vr}.fam \
      -istage-common.spGRMfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/spGRM/${sparseGRMfile} \
      -istage-common.spGRMSamplefile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/spGRM/${sparseGRM_sample_file} \
      -istage-common.output_prefix=${outputPrefix} \
      -istage-common.phenoCol=${phenoCol} \
      -istage-common.traitType=${traitType} \
      -istage-common.covariatesList=${covariatesList} \
      -istage-common.qCovarColList=${qCovarColList} \
      -istage-common.sampleIDCol=${sampleIDCol} \
      -istage-common.invNormalize=${invNormalize} \
      --folder saige:/SAIGE_GENE/step1_output/ \
      --yes \
      --name=${jobname} \

done < pheno_list.txt

Step 2: Performing exome-wide gene-based tests

Create the workflow using the wdl file

  • Download
    1. (skip if already done for Step 1) dxCompiler-2.10.1.jar from here
    2. saigegene_step2.wdl from here and replace the path to the docker image in the file
  • Check the project id of your current project on DNAnexus
## create the workflow. It will give you a workflow id
java -jar dxCompiler-2.10.1.jar compile saigegene_step2.wdl -project ${project id}  -folder /workflows/ -f

Prepare input files

  • sparse GRM files from Step 0 and used in Step 1 (sparseGRM_file and sparseGRM_sample_file)
  • model file output by Step 1: ${outputPrefix}.rda
  • variance ratio file output by Step 1: ${outputPrefix}.varianceRatio.txt
  • Genotype files containing the WES data on DNAnexus in the plink format (.bed/.bim/.fam)
  • Group file containing marker lists and annotations for genes. See here for the format
    • You may download pre-prepared group files by chromosome from here. This file contains loss of function (LoF), missense, and synonymous markers.
    • You may prepare the group files with more other annotations from the ANNOVAR annotated files from here by modifying this script

Run the Step 2 jobs for a phenotype

We use 3 annotation masks: LoF, LoF+Missense, and LoF+Missense+Synonymous and 3 max MAF cutoffs: 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01

##For these large chromosomes, we need to use a instance with larger storage
array=("1" "2" "3" "6" "7" "11" "12" "16" "17" "19")

for chr in {1..22};
    if [[ " ${array[*]} " =~ " ${chr} " ]]; then
      echo "${chr}"
      echo "chr is large"

    if [[ ! " ${array[*]} " =~ " ${chr} " ]]; then
      echo "${chr}"
      echo "chr is small"

    dx run ${workflow} \
        -istage-common.GMMATmodelFile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/step1_output/${outputPrefix}.rda \
        -istage-common.varianceRatioFile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/step1_output/${outputPrefix}.varianceRatio.txt \
        -istage-common.spGRMfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/spGRM/${sparseGRM_file} \
        -istage-common.spGRMSamplefile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/spGRM/${sparseGRM_sample_file} \
        -istage-common.bed=saige:/Bulk/Exome\ sequences/ukb_c${chr}_b0_v1.bed \
        -istage-common.bim=saige:/Bulk/Exome\ sequences/ukb_c${chr}_b0_v1.bim \
        -istage-common.fam=saige:/Bulk/Exome\ sequences/ukb_c${chr}_b0_v1.fam \
        -istage-common.grpfile=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/group_files/${group}_chr${chr}.txt \
        -istage-common.chrom=${chr} \
        -istage-common.annotation_in_groupTest=lof,missense:lof,missense:lof:synonymous \
        -istage-common.maxMAF_in_groupTest=0.01,0.001,0.0001 \
        -istage-common.output_prefix=${outputPrefix}_${pheno}_${chr}.txt \
        -istage-common.isFast=TRUE \
        --folder=saige:/SAIGE_GENE/step2_output/ \
        --name=Step2_${pheno}_chr${chr} \
        --yes \


Output files

  • Set-based association output: ${outputPrefix}_${pheno}_${chr}.txt
  • Single-variant association output: ${outputPrefix}_${pheno}_${chr}.singleAssoc.txt
  • Index file: ${outputPrefix}_${pheno}_${chr}.txt.index
  • Job summary file (showing time and memory usage for the job): ${outputPrefix}_${pheno}_${chr}.txt.runinfo.txt

Benchmark on the cost for jobs on DNAnexus

  • 2 quantitative traits: LDL, bone marrow density
  • 2 binary traits: T2D and Glaucoma(for Glaucoma, sample relatedness cutoff 0.125 was used)

  • Step 1: Fit the model with a sparse GRM with sample relatedness cutoff 0.05
    • instance used: mem1_ssd1_v2_x4
    • Jobs were all finished within 10 mins and costed < £0.003
  • Step 2:
    • LDL, N = 375670, cost £3.03
    • bone marrow density, N = 125298, cost £1.27
    • T2D, 21279 cases and 371629 controls, cost £3.18
    • Glaucoma: 6244 cases and 407632 controls, cost £3.01