Run SAIGE using a docker image

Thanks to Juha Karjalainen for sharing the Dockerfile.

  • Dockerfile can be found in the SAIGE folder: ./docker/Dockerfile

  • The docker image can be pulled

      docker pull wzhou88/saige:1.3.0

Functions can be called

step1_fitNULLGLMM.R --help
step2_SPAtests.R --help
createSparseGRM.R --help

If docker version of SAIGE is run on a local system

docker run wzhou88/saige:1.1.9 step1_fitNULLGLMM.R --help
docker run wzhou88/saige:1.1.9 step2_SPAtests.R --help
docker run wzhou88/saige:1.1.9 createSparseGRM.R --help

NOTE: -v option is also important for docker run to Bind mount a volume. Check link for more details.